Confirmed dates

Confirmed dates¡¡
European meeting of women, trans, inter, inter, non-binary 28 y 29 July
ZAD de Notre Dame des Landes (Nantes-France)

In view of the arrival by air on the same dates of the large Zapatista-CNI-FPDTMPT delegation to France, we inform you that the date of the European Meeting of women, trans, inter and non-binary people has changed.
We are sorry to have this news of change of date and we hope that it will not be an insurmountable difficulty

Please re-register for the new dates at the following address: (specifying the dates and the number of people attending).

If you would like to come and lend a hand from July 22nd onwards for the set-up and preparation of the meeting, you can write to us there :

Extension of reception of proposals and activities from the queer/cuir/trans/inter/non-binary perspective.

In order to make visible perspectives and experiences of gender diversity in the program of the meeting, we are extending the reception of proposals until July 20 to activities of all kinds: See you soon!    

Who are we?

The European Gender Commission wants to spread the Zapatista rebellion and resistance through the sharing of experiences where we learn from there and show how we organise and struggle here as well. To this end, it will be decided for each activity whether it will be in mixed or chosen mixity. We will analyse this on two levels:

  •   Local, where each space and collective decides how it treats its inclusion.
  •   European Gender Commission: all women, lesbians and transgender people are welcome, cis-gender men understand that their collaboration is not needed in this space. In this space we try to act as spokespersons for collectives, individuals are also welcome, however, the invitation is that, if possible, they should be added to existing realities or that they should be woven into collectivities.  We want to accompany the Zapatista Tour with a feminist, decolonial and intersectional perspective, open to other expressions of struggle of women, trans and non-binary people who speak out against any kind of discrimination.

Objectives of the commission:

  •     To give information about feminist events, between now and the end of September, or when the Zapatista tour for life ends.
  •  That every moment of the coming of the Zapatistas carries with it this mutual care of being a feminist, anti-colonial, anti-racist, anti-capitalist event; to create a protocol/manifesto/commitment for it.
  • Organise event(s) at European level.

[CAMBIO DE FECHA] Encuentro europeo de mujeres, personas trans, inter, no binarias.